Sunday, June 14, 2020

Introduction of C

C is a general purpose structural language.It is discovered by Dennis Ritchie in year of 1972 at AT 7 T's Bell Laboratories of USA.It is high level language.Instructions of this language is in simple English language such as if else , do while , break , continue , for , int etc. C language is developed by combining two old language such as BCPL(Basic Computer Programming Language), B.
C Tokens
  • The C character Set
  • Following character is used in C language:
    • Small letters (a....z)
    • Capital latter (A,B.....Z)
    • Digit (0....9)
    • Special Characters (+,-,*,/,%,!,#,&,<,> etc)
    • White space like new line,blank space etc.

  • Identifiers
  • Identifiers are name which is used to identify the different part of program such as Array,Variables and Functions etc.It may be user define or pre-define.Alphabets (a...z),Digits (0...9) and one special symbol (_) are used in identifiers.
  • Keyword
  • Keywords are reserve words.Keywords are those words which is pre-defined by compiler.These keywords are not used as identifiers. There are 32 keywords in C language such as:

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