Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Operators in C

In C language operators are pre define. It is represented by symbols. An expression is created by using one or more operand with operator.

In C language there are four basic type of operator.
  1. Unary Operator
  2. Binary Operator
  3. Conditional Operator
  4. Bit wise Operator

1. Unary Operator : Unary operator are those operator in which one operator is used to create one expression.
There are three type of unary operator:
  1. Increment Operator
  2. Decrement Operator
  3. Size of Operator
a. Increment Operator :This operator is used to increment operand by 1. Such as : ++i or i++ or i=i+1
b. Decrement Operator :This operator is used to decrement operand by 1. Such as : --i or i-- or i=i-1
c. Size of Operator :This operator is used to specify the size of memory sued by operand. Such as : sizeof(i);
2. Binary Operator :Binary operator are those operator in which two operator are used to create one expression.
There are four type of binary operators:
  1. Mathematical Operator
  2. Relational Operator
  3. Logical Operator
  4. Assignment Operator
a. Mathematical Operator :This operator is used to do all type of arithmetic calculations. Such as:
  • Addition (+)
  • Subtraction (-)
  • Multiplication (*)
  • Division (/)
  • Modulus (%) it return remainder After integer division.
b. Relational Operator :It is used to check the relation between two variables. Such as:
  • Less then (<)
  • Greater then (>)
  • Less then or equal (<=)
  • Greater then or equal (>=)
  • Equal to (==)
  • Not Equal to (!=)
c. Logical Operator :It is used to perform logical operations. It is generally used in if condition such as:
  • AND (&&) It must contain two conditions
  • OR (||) It must contain two conditions
  • NOT (!)
d. Assignment Operator :It is used to assign any value or any expression such as : a=b+c; , a=6;
3. Conditional Operator (?:) : Conditional operator is used for decision making. It is also known as single line if-else statement.
4. Bit-wise operator :It is used to perform bit-wise operation. Binary bits are used to perform operation. That involve the manipulation of individual binary bit. It is three type :
  • Bit-wise or conferment operator (~)
  • Bit-wise logical operator (&)(^)
  • Bit-wise shift operator (<< and >>)
Hierarchy (Precedence) of operators
Precedence of operators are as follow:

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